Response to Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan – Industrial Land Use – Outline (January 2016)

Initial Officer Response to Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan – Outline (January 2016)

The following comments are provided to help inform the meeting on 22 January 2016 and the options for progressing neighbourhood planning in the Hove Station area:

  • Industrial Land: A planned relocation approach takes time, no quick fixes are readily apparent.  The ability to address the City’s industrial needs is likely to require a cross-authority planned approach (along with the other development needs including housing).   When taking a planned approach care is need to avoid existing sites falling vacant given the identified need for industrial land/buildings (eg changes in land allocations often result in short term leases for existing uses which may be unattractive to many businesses whilst financial backing may be hard to secure for large scale regeneration in ‘unknown market’ locations).

There is a lack of sites for all types of uses within the City.  The City Plan seeks to provide a balance between all the competing needs to ensure sustainable communities (eg sufficient jobs and services to meet the growing population).  Via the City Plan Part 1 plan making process a variety of deliverable options were considered in respect of addressing the need for industrial.  No new industrial sites were readily presented whilst landowners of a number of existing industrial sites sought alternative uses.  The City Plan reviewed and relaxed the Local Plan approach in that the City Plan allocates a number of previously identified industrial sites for mixed use (office and residential), this includes Conway Street and land north of Newtown Road.  However taking into account market trends and evidence there was a need to retain some industrial sites (eg Land between the railway line and Newtown).  The potential of the urban fringe for housing development has been the subject of a number of studies.  These studies flag up that the development of much of urban fringe is either unsuitable or likely to be complicated.

Key Issue: This matter can only effectively be addressed via a strategic approach and is considered to fall outside the scope of a neighbourhood plan.  What is the best approach therefore for the community to take?

  • Bus Station Depot and Coal Yard Site: As acknowledged there is currently a lack of clarity in respect of the bus station site, the site falls within the Conway Street Industrial strategic allocation. There is also an element of uncertainty in respect of the Coal Yard site.  The City Plan does not allocate the site but reflects the current Waste Local Plan.  The Waste Local Plan is currently being reviewed via the Waste and Minerals Sites Plan. The emerging plan currently seeks to continue safeguarding the site for waste.  However, this was subject to public consultation at the end of last year.  It is anticipated that the responses to the recent consultation will be reported to Policy and Resources Committee in March along with any proposed modifications.

Key Issue: Both sites are subject to strategic policies.  The future strategic approach in respect of the Coal Yard is subject to the Waste and Minerals Sites Plan.  What is the best approach therefore for the community to take?


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