Here you will find the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan (HSNP) documents – produced by local residents after extensive community engagement . Part One will be subject to referendum (9 Feb ’24). Our Plan covers the same period as the BHCC City Plan (up to 2030). It develops and elaborates further the strategic framework established by the City Plan for the future development of the Designated Area and will sit alongside the City Plan as the statutory plan for the area. The Neighbourhood Plan is seen by the Forum as providing the policy context for the Hove Station Area Master Plan for the area.

Key features of our Neighbourhood Plan:
- Place-making
- Principles and guidance for redevelopment of the area
- The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
- Deliverable within 15 years
- Legally binding
- Subject to Referendum
9 Download
Latest Summary
Latest Full Version:
Non-statutory (aspirations)

03/2020 PART-TWO
03/ 2019 Reg. 14
Previous Consultation Draft
Have Your Say
Community engagement started in 2013 and culminated in the official Regulation 14 public consultation process which took place from 23rd March to 11th May, 2019. Here are some of the key facts and figures from the last seven years.

The following posters provide a sample of the communication process that has led to the creation of the neighbourhood development plan:
01 What is a Neighbourhood Plan
02 A Neighborhood Plan is a Legal Document
03 Why a Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan
04 Our Achievements So Far
The Plan – Parts 1 & 2
Content Structure and Themes
05 Vision & Objectives
06 Neighbourhood Planning Principles
HSNF-poster-06 Principles-Themes
07 DA6 North of the Railway – Hove Newtown
07a Central Focus of Hove Newtown
HSNF-poster-07a-Central Focus of Hove Newtown (pdf)
08 Hove Station Gateway
09 DA6 South of the Railway
HSNF-poster-09-DA6 South
10 Stoneham Neighborhood Community Audit
11 Sustainable Green Neighbourhood Group